Massage for your Body.
Massage for your Life. Learn about Sunny Palms BodyworkLearn about Sunny Palms TarotBody Massage
Dori practices both Western style table massage (often referred to as “Swedish”) and Zen Shiatsu, which she does on a floor futon (client remains clothed). Dori thinks of her style as Responsive — she’s responding to what you tell her and what her hands sense. [read more]
Life Massage (Image Cards)
In Person or Online
Use the versatile images on tarot cards to consider questions and challenges in your life in a new, targeted way. Identify where you want to go, how you want to feel, and what you can do to reach those goals. [read more]
Dori has served Evanston and nearby residents since 1994, soothing sore bodies, helping people recognize their patterns and learn tools to shift them, listening intently. She says:
“Massage feels most effective and wonderful when it sensitively and respectfully unlocks tense holding patterns and frees movement.
Lives carry tension just as bodies do.
Whether massaging a body or a life, I ask questions and listen closely, provide support, and gently and respectfully address the parts you’re noticing the most.
I draw attention to holding patterns and help you recognize, identify, and loosen or release them.
The result is more complete integration and a feeling of flow, relaxation, and potential for positive change.”

Dori’s such an awesome massage therapist. After today’s 90-minute session, I almost feel like I’m 30 again.
G & HR (Gardener & Happily Retired), Evanston, IL
847-863-2561 Call or Text to schedule, or email